Meet Apples

Sweet little Apples is our nineteen year old pony. She is one of the gentlest girls you could ever meet and loves a good neck scratch. Apples came to us with only one eye but is still the most beautiful girl in the world.
Apples came in with our other girl Savannah. We were notified of a property which was hording animals. As you could imagine they did not have the best living conditions and with nowhere else to go they were about to be sent to the sale yards, destined to slaughter but there was no way we were going to let that happen.
Apples being a bit older and also a little bit smaller can’t quite keep up with our other horses but she definitely does not show her age and is never too far from everyone else. You can see it when you look at her that she is so happy being here and we couldn’t be happier to have her with us.